
Many Members are available to help you get your airplane flightworthy, then help you learn to fly it. Whether you are a beginner or working towards your “wings”, training is tailored to your skill and experience levels. To be awarded your wings a pilot must be able to control the aircraft and perform a specific set of maneuvers (See KWFD Wings Test below)

You should NOT try to learn to fly without the help of an experienced RC Pilot. Crashing on your first flight can be frustrating and it might cause you to quit before you even get started.

While learning to fly you can use the club’s “Buddy Boxes” to help you learn and save your aircraft from disaster caused by inexperience. The instructor will use your transmitter and the transmitter buddy box with similar controls that you will use during flight training. The instructor will initially do the take-off and climb to a safe altitude for you. He then holds a momentary switch when it is time for you to fly, and releases it to immediately take control back if you put the airplane into an unstable attitude. The instructor will also land your aircraft for you until you are sufficiently skilled to perform the take-offs and landings yourself. When your skills are sufficiently developed it will be time to take your “Wings Test” and become an RC pilot with open flying privileges.

Until this test has been passed, the student must have a pilot with their wings with them at the flight line while flying. There is NO COST for training club members.

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KWFD Wings Test
KWFD Wings Test